Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)Welcome to Glory House (formerly LCI East)

pastoral care
How Can We Serve You?
Prayer is our direct line of communication with God and is essential to our walk in Christ. Prayer is also a weapon of our spiritual warfare. No matter what circumstances life presents to you, we are here to pray for you and with you.

Deliverance is a benefit of the Christian life available to every believer. Experience the freedom of deliverance in a safe environment under the care of trained deliverance ministers.

Children are a blessing from the Lord. It is the parents' responsibility, supported by the church, to "train a child in the way he should go, [so that] when he grows old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) Child dedication includes asking the Lord's blessing for protection and prosperity for the child, as well as wisdom for parents to know the way the child should go.

As believers, we want the world to know about our new life in Jesus. If you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior through faith in Him, the next step is to be baptized in water as a symbol of your new life in Christ.

Family & Marriage Support
At Glory House, we are a family of families. We offer nonclinical counseling to families centered on biblical principles. We are committed to providing Christian guidance to families that helps them navigate challenges and encourages loving, healthy relationships.

Salvation is the free gift of God given to all who, through faith, trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. After salvation, it is imperative that new believers connect to a local church. God uses the local community of believers to develop spiritual maturity in the lives of Christians.